Calvary’s community Care Food Distribution
Any are welcome to come and get fresh food! Once a month, on the third Thursday, we partner with the Food Bank of Central New York to distribute fresh food goods to any who need a helping hand. There is no approval process; food is available to all who show up. The distribution starts at 5 p.m. We will line everyone up in our parking lot. You will then drive through the line and we’ll place the distribution box in your vehicle. We’ll continue to give out food until it’s all gone.
Next Distribution: December 19, 2024
Mom’s Group
Our Mom’s group meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday @6:30PM in the Board Room. Calvary is excited the group has become one of our regular church programs. It can be hectic to juggle many roles as a mother, so we invite you to come enjoy Godly discussions and fellowship with other mothers.
Thrive Student Ministry
Thrive is for all students grades 7 through 12, and meets Sunday evenings in room 106 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Kids can have a blast at Awana from 6:15-8:00 p.m. on Wednesday nights during the months of September through April. The Awana program is known for its intentional discipleship, but it’s known by kids for the chance they have to participate in fun games and crazy theme nights, all the while being in a friendly environment that is just for them.